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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©


Volume 8 (1): 84-98, 2007.

A Unified Framework for Finding Differentially Expressed Genes in MPTP Mouse Model for Parkinson’s Disease


Shaik J, Yeasin M


1 CVPIA LAB, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, 38152, United States.





Shaik J, Yeasin M., A Unified Framework for Finding Differentially Expressed Genes in MPTP Mouse Model for Parkinson’s Disease, Onl J Bioinform., 8 (1) : 84-98, 2007. This paper presents a unified framework for knowledge discovery in 1-Methyl-4 Phenyl 1,2,3,6 tetra hydropyridine lesioned mouse model for Parkinson’s disease. It is widely acknowledged that developing a highly accurate single computational method is difficult for achieving satisfactory results. To address this problem, this paper presents a unified framework by judiciously combining three different algorithms for finding differentially expressed genes from the microarray data. The performance of unified framework was then assessed using 50 artificially generated microarray datasets. The unified framework was applied on 3 sets of microarray data available through the MPTP mouse model for Parkinson’s disease. Empirical analyses suggests that the interplay between the 3 modules used in the unified framework could uncover several potential genes that might be involved in the pathogenesis.


KEY WORDS: Differentially expressed genes, Microarray data, Parkinson’s Disease, Progressive framework, Two-way Clustering, Unified Framework.