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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

 Volume 7 (1) : 32-34, 2006.

Statistical potential determining protein interaction sites


Williams G.


Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases, The Wolfson Wing, Hodgkin Building, Kings College London, United Kingdom.




Williams G., Statistical Potential Determining Protein Interaction SitesOnl J Bioinform., 7 (1) : 32-34, 2006. The distribution of interacting residue orientations observed in a database of protein structures is converted into an effective vectorial inter-residue interaction potential. It is argued that this potential can be used to define an effective potential field around a given protein and can be used to predict the protein’s mode of interaction. In particular, probable sites of protein-protein interactions are shown to correspond to low energy clusters of the local energy minima. The protein active site prediction scheme has the possibility of shedding light on protein interactions when, as is most often the case, the protein structure is known but the nature of the interaction is uncertain. Identifying active sites on proteins can lead to the design of small molecule inhibitors either based on the exposed loops neighbouring the given site or based on filling the cavity at the site.

KEY-WORDS : Statistics, Protein Interaction, sites