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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©

Established 1995

ISSN  1443-2250


Volume 22 (3): 209-229, 2021.



V Amouda1,        D Visalakshi1,     Tofayel Ahmed1,     S Kuppuswami2


1Centre for Bioinformatics, 2Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.




Amouda V, Visalakshi D,  Ahmed T, Kuppuswami S., Introns, Onl J Bioinform., 22 (3): 209-229, 2021. An intron is a non-coding DNA region within a gene that is not translated into protein and is at a critical juncture in theories on evolution. Research has been characterized by extensive sequencing of genomes and annotations for finding exon sequences expressed as proteins. However, little attention has been directed towards introns which constitute largest sections of genome. We report multiple sequence alignment algorithms, statistics, databases and species distribution for intron discovery. Genetic algorithms can be applied on intron sequence alignments for patterns of evolution and distribution to create databases.


Key-words: Introns, alignments, algorithms, statistics, databases, species distribution.