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Online Journal of Bioinformatics

Volume 19 (2):146-161, 2018.

In silico docking human AlkB proteins hABH6 and 7 with inhibitors.


Karumuri S  MSc, Vidyarthi AS PhD, Shankaracharya A MSc.



1Department of Biotechnology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215, India




Karumuri S, Vidyarthi AS, Shankaracharya A., In silico docking human AlkB proteins hABH6 and 7 with  inhibitors, Onl J Bioinform., 19 (2):146-161, 2018. AlkB proteins from 2-oxoglutarate super family are considered reliable DNA repair proteins. However, in humans AlkB homologues hABH 1 to 8 can induce cancer and their inhibition is desirable. Analogues of 2-OG and quercetin are known inhibitors to dock Human AlkB protein homologues 6 and 7.  –SO3H functional group in the structure of ligands increases binding to the protein but decreases total binding energy. –CH3  groups in the ligand reduce binding. In our model,  –SO3H in the structure of the ligand favoured inhibition of hABH6(1), hABH6(2) and hABH7 proteins and removal of –CH3 increased docking efficiency. We conclude that functional variability of AlkB protein homologues is specific for each protein for maximum inhibition. We find that hABH6(1), hABH6(2) and hABH7 exhibit better docking than analogues of 2-Oxoglutarate and Quercetin.


Keywords: AlkB, Homologues, Docking, analogues, inhibitors, hABH proteins.