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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©

Volume 14 (1): 51-55, 2013

 Amino acid composition model for prediction and identification of Alpha and Epsilon-proteobacteria.


Anuja Shanker, Kamal Raj Pardasani.


Department of Mathematics, Bioinformatics & Computer Α-plications. MANIT, Bhopal, India.




Shanker A, Pardasani KR.,  Amino acid composition model for prediction and identification of α and ˆ--proteobacteria, Online J Bioinform.,  14 (1): 51-55, 2013. Alpha (α)-proteobacteria are thought to be the precursors of mitochondria. Epsilon (ˆ-)-proteobacteria are either symbionts or pathogens in animals. Therefore assigning correct taxonomic identifiers to these organisms is important.  A model to predict, classify and distinguish proteobacteria subclasses from other microbial species is described. Simulations using Amino Acid Composition (AAC)  in a support vector machine using LibSVM and SVM light programs were used to obtain an accuracy of 90%. The finding suggests that AAC could be used as a parameter for prediction and annotation of genomic and proteomic data.


Keywords: Signature proteins; Support vector machine; Amino Acid composition; Kernel functions.