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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©


Volume 21 (3):288-300, 2020.

Dopamine receptor D1A phylogenetic relationship amongst different organisms.


Prashant Shukla, PhD,


Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, The Neotia University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 8719024461




Shukla P., Dopamine receptor d1a phylogenetic relationship amongst different organisms, Onl J Bioinform, 21 (3):288-300, 2020. Cell to cell communication by signal transduction proteins is essential for cell survival.  Author describes phylogeny of dopamine receptor D1A from public databases in animals, primates, apes and humans. The dopamine receptor D1A phylogenetic tree revealed expected branches of old separate from new world primates. Phylogenetic analysis of dopamine receptor D1A of 50 animals, 6 apes and humans showed similar branching. The dopamine receptor D1A of gorilla was closest to human while chimpanzee and bonobo were similar but further from human and gorilla, Orangutan and gibbon produced separate branches. The tentative groups formed in the phylogenetic analysis were similar to previous findings but dopamine receptors genes in humans revealed receptors D1A and D5 and proteins D2, D3 and D4 to form two dopamine families. Different motif locations in similar organisms suggested that D1A amino acid sequences differed even though gene function remained similar.   


Keywords: Dopamine receptor, phylogenetic analysis, proteins, cell communication, signal transduction.